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aspell-zu Zulu language support for aspell
aspic Textual description of line art to EPS or SVG converter
astyle (V) Free, Fast and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, C#, and Java
awf Text formatter (nroff-clone) written in awk
bat Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
bibclean Prettyprinter and syntax checker for BibTeX bibliography databases
biblook Indexing and searching tools for BibTeX bibliography databases
bibparse Syntax checking tools for BibTeX bibliography databases
bk Terminal Epub reader
bsdgrep-devel BSD version of grep as in NetBSD src/usr.bin/grep
btparse BibTeX parsing library
c2html Converts a C source tree to hyperlinked and colored HTML
cabocha Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
catdoc Converts MS Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files to plain text
catdoc-tk Tk interface for MS-Word to plain text converter
cawf Simplistic nroff-like formatter in C, like awf
cdif Word context diff
chasen Meta package of ChaSen, Japanese Morphological Analysis System
chasen-base ChaSen, Japanese Morphological Analysis System
choose Human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
cityhash Provides hash functions for strings
cjose C implementation of JOSE
cJSON Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
cldr-emoji-annotation Emoji annotation files in CLDR
clicsv Command line spreadsheet editor
cmark CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmark-gfm GitHub fork of cmark
cmigemo Migemo library implemented in C
coccigrep Semantic grep for the C language
colorit Utility for coloring output
convertlit Convert Microsoft Legal Reader format eBooks into open format
CRF++ Yet Another CRF toolkit
crimson implementation of JAXP, SAX, and DOM
crush-tools Collection of tools for processing delimited-text data
csharp-xapian C# bindings for Xapian search engine
csview High performance csv viewer with cjk/emoji support
csvkit Suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV
csvlens Command line csv viewer
csvtomd Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables
csvutils Command-line utilities for managing CSV data using libcsv
cup (V) LALR parser generator for java
cwdiff Color wrapper for wdiff (word diff)
dadadodo Analyse texts for word probabilities and generate random sentences
dasel Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV
db2latex Set of XSLT stylesheets converting DocBook to LaTeX2e
dbcat Equivalent of cat(1) for viewing sqlite database
dblatex DocBook to LaTeX Publishing
detex Remove LaTeX commands
dict-client Dictionary Service Protocol client
dict-dictionaries Dictionary data for DICTD
dict-mueller7 English-Russian dictionary by Mueller for dictd
dict-server Dictionary Service Protocol server
dictem Dictionary client (RFC-2229) for [X]Emacs
diction GNU version of diction and style
diffr Yet another diff highlighting tool
diffsplit Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each
diffstat Display a histogram of diff changes
digestif (V) Language server for TeX and friends
dikt Dictionary protocol client for KDE
discount Markdown C implementation
docbook SGML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-simple Simplified DocBook XML DTD
docbook-website DocBook XML DTD for building websites
docbook-xml XML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-xsl Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
docbook2mdoc Convert DocBook documentation into man pages (mdoc)
docbook2odf Convert DocBook documentation into ODF documents
doclifter Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook
dsssl-docbook-modular DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD
dtdparse Reads an SGML or XML DTD and constructs an XML database
DWB Original Documenter's Workbench Release 3.3
dwdiff Word level diff program
eb C library for accessing EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING CD-ROM dictionaries
eblook Interactive command-line interface for EPWING electric dictionaries
ebook-tools Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats
ebview GTK2 based EPWING dictionary browser
emacs-dict-client Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server
emacs-muse Publishing environment for Emacs
enca Extremely Naive Charset Analyser
enchant2 Generic spell checking library
enju Natural language parser for English based on HPSG grammar
epubcheck Tool to validate IDPF Epub files
epubpreflight Tool to validate IDPF EPUB files
erlang-fast_xml Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
erlang-fast_yaml Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-jiffy JSON NIFs for Erlang
erlang-p1_xmlrpc Erlang XMLRPC implementation with SSL, cookies, Authentication
erlang-stringprep Fast Stringprep implementation for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-yconf YAML configuration processor
expat XML parser library written in C
expatobjc Objective-C Wrapper for Expat
ezxml Easy to use C library for parsing XML documents
FlightCrew EPUB validator
flycheck-mode On the fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs
flyspell Emacs/Xemacs on-the-fly spell checker
fmtlib Formatting library
fop Print formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
freepwing Free JIS X 4081 (subset of EPWING V1) formatter
freexl Library to extract valid data from an Excel spreadsheet
frogmouth Markdown browser for your terminal